Wendy's Pet Sitting

Meet and Greet

About Me
Meet and Greet
Contact Me
Clients' Pets (aka My Pals!)


The "Meet and Greet" is where I come to your home to introduce myself to you and your "Fur Pals"! I also will bring the Pet Sitting Contract for us to go over. Then you can lead me through your pet care schedule, we discuss your individual needs with regards to your pets, your home, etc. 


I am very happy to provide proof of insurance and recommendations from other clients of mine, as well as fellow sitters, and veterinary clinics I have worked at. Dont hesitate to ask if you would like me to bring these items along when I come to your home!

Helpful reminders

Take time to think about what makes your pet comfortable in your absence- is it a favorite toy or blanket? Would leaving the TV or radio on for periods of time be a comfort for them? Dont forget to look at the weather forecast for the time you will be away- you may need to adjust your home temperature accordingly! Make sure your alarm clocks are set on "OFF". It is very stressful for a pet to hear an alarm go off with no one there to turn it off! Do you have neighbors that are friendly with you, that you need to inform, that I will be siiting for your pet and home? I would be happy to meet with them,if necessary, so they know who I am. Please take the time to secure all aspects of your home and property ( i.e. wobbly fencing, holes dug in yard, etc) to ensure your pet cannot escape! Also, dont forget to tell me about any small pets your kids may have ( fish, lizards,turtles,mice, rats, hamsters, gerbils) I will need to know about them as well....
